Monday, December 12, 2011

Who they were...

The Incas were people that grew one of the largest first civilizations across the world. The Incas worked very hard negotiating with neighboring villages, they offered exchanges to the village people and then slowly took over their village and expanded their territory. The Inca Civilization influenced and made living better than what it had previously been. The Incas loved art work whether gold or expensive textiles they made a lot of art work and were even very generous giving away art work as gifts.
The Inca Civilization has no written language of history. The history of the is passed down orally from generation to generation. They have a lot of art and pottery that helps archaeologist understand the way they lived. The Inca Civilization originated in the Andes mountains. Starting at about 1200 to 1438 the empire slowly grew until around the year 1438 the Incas started expanding rapidly. The Inca Civilization grew off of the idea that nature could explain all the unexplainable parts of life. Like how we came to be and why they lived the way they lived. Most of their myths dealt with the earth and the land surrounding them.